As it has been the past months, the baby has been my main priority and I haven't got to do really ANY crafting or scrapbooking since I've had her. I did get to spend a little time doing some things this past weekend, but nothing substantial.
Here's what's been keeping me busy.
taken in July
Ava with her great-great grandmother (my mom's grandmother)
Sorry if that's baby-photo overload, but as you can see... my little angel is growing so fast! And now she is crawling and getting into everything! :-) But I LOVE every minute of my time with her.
It's hard to believe, but her first birthday is coming so quickly, so I am starting to get some ideas together for her party and we have decided to do an Elmo/Sesame Street party because she's OBSESSED with Elmo. Thank goodness for Pinterest! I have found some awesome ideas! I also ordered the Elmo Party Cricut Cartridge and the Sesame Street Seasons cart (I already had the font cart and the Sesame Street Friends) so I should be able to do most of her decor and invitations myself... well, if I find time to get into the craft area to do it! :-p
I want to thank you all for sticking with me as followers and putting up with my long absences, but I promise, I'll be back eventually! I miss keeping up with everyone each day and participating in the blog hops, but I hope you understand my absence! <3 p="p">