Sunday, April 24, 2011

An E2 Giveaway!

The wonderful ladies over at Everyday Cricut are doing a giveaway for the cool new E2!
They will be giving away a new Cricut Anniversary Expression 2 on Monday night, during their live Ustream event, starting at 8:05 pm (central time)! There's also some other fantastic giveaway items that they'll be giving away during the UStream, so its worth entering and joining in on Monday night!

Take an Easter HOP over to their blog to enter to win!! :-)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Mini Vacay!

Wanted to leave a little post on here to let you all know that I'm going to be MIA for a little while, friends! I know that I have slacked on my life AND craft updates and I PROMISE it'll come soon!! I have SO much to share with you all! But, I am going to be out of town for the next week or so to go visit my family back in Pennsylvania and there is pretty much NO cell service and very limited internet (which is kinda nice every now and then!).

If I have a chance on a down family day, I may try to hop on to do a quick update, but no guarantees!!

Until my return, HAPPY CRAFTING!!!!