Thursday, September 30, 2010

Pink ATG Giveaway at Disney Dreamer Designs!

Hey everyone! I just found another great blog to follow with some great information and a fantastic giveaway going on right now!

If you go visit Disney Dreamer Designs at THIS link, she's giving away a PINK ATG! I got one a few weeks back and LOOOOOVE it so far, so I recommend it for any serious crafter! The last day for her giveaway is tomorrow, so hurry over, follow her, and check out her stuff!!!

Her blog is also great for any of our fellow Disney fans because she's got music from Mary Poppins on her blog! ;-) LOVE IT!!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Yuckie! Mostly Non Craft Related Post

What has two thumbs and had a house of icky sickness the past two weeks!?!? THIS GIRL!

Yep. The flu/cold/icky whatever found it's way into my house! Despite my best efforts to keep everything bleached down and regardless of all of the soap and hand sanitizer, my hubby and I both ended up with the horrible thing! He had it for a week and gave up and went to the doctor the week before last and I was mocking him and taunting him with my ability to ward off ANY disease that may come near me.


That was until the Friday before last. When the itchy throat started. And the achy ness. And the little cough.

Fast forward one week to Thursday (of last week). Now you'll see my husband skipping around the house in all of his antibiotic-healed glory and me, wrapped up in a blanket with a washcloth on my forehead, coughing up what sounds like it very well might be my lung, surrounded by tissues, DayQuil, and Tussin.


Thursday night was a night of no sleep at ALLLLL for me thanks to the wonderful coughing fits. (But at least we have all of the movie channels on our AT&T plan so I watched Apollo 13 from 3am until 5:30am! :-)) So Friday I was the walking dead. Friday night, I had enough. I had heard that a certain concoction of meds had helped my sister in PA (who is also suffering) sleep... so I sent dearest out to CVS to get this for me. Liquid NyQuil, MucinexDM, more tissues, and some cough drops. I asked him ohsosweetly to sleep in an different room for the night so I could cough and not worry about waking him up. Around midnight, I swallowed the cocktail.

In less than 15 mins (from what I'm told), I was snoring and drooling on myself. HEAVEN! :-)

I woke up around noon yesterday. AND I FELT SOMEWHAT LIKE A HUMAN! Not like a completely functioning human that was ready to go out and conquer the world, but enough to get dressed and get a shower! YAY! So last night, I did it again! Didn't sleep as soundly, but woke up again like a human! I did lay down for a short catnap this afternoon (that lasted for 2+ hours). Now, all I have is a still-obnoxious productive cough, a tiny pingpong ball feeling in my throat, and a little bit of an earache. I fear that if it's still here tomorrow, I may have to suck it up and go to the doctor, though I'm sure they'll tell me that almost 10 days after starting this horrible journey, it's probably working its way out of my body on its own. So we'll see.

Needless to say, not much shopping or crafting has been going on in this house. A little, but not much!

The only thing that has been made this week are two birthday cards (that I forgot to take photos of) and three random Sesame Street characters that I made with Sesame Street Friends cart that I got on eBay for less than $10 a few weeks ago. I just wanted to see how difficult they would be to make for my niece who LOOOVES Sesame Street now. I didn't take photos of them, but I'll scan them in to share.

Here's Elmo.... the easiest of them all so far!

He's about 7" tall.... "fit to page" on an 8.5"x11" so I could see what I was working with. VERY easy to make.

Dorothy: She's about 3" tall.. a little more complicated, but not soooo bad.

And finally, the most difficult of them all: Abby Cadabby.

She is 7 3/4" tall. I made her "fit to page" as well. SO many complicated pieces and cuts! Assembly wasn't too difficult once I knew what pieces I was looking at, but she took 7 different colored pieces of paper to make. (The little purple part of her skirt came off when I put her on the scanner... sorry!)

Don't know what I'm going to do with them, other than entertain my niece with them! For instance, when I Skyped with her and showed her Elmo, her response was priceless. "Mommy! Elmo at Ca-Ca's!!!" (She calls me Ca-Ca since she can't say Carol). Then she saw Abby and GASPED! I think when they visit for T'giving, she'll be asking me where they are....... uh oh!

So that's what's been happening in this house this week. Hopefully I'll be a little more mobile this week and I'll get some REAL stuff done and posted!

Wishing you all a happy, peaceful, and sick-free week!! :-)

Friday, September 17, 2010

This Week

YAY! I'm up to 9 followers! Welcome to my little crazy world!!!

It's been a good week overall! I've actually got to spend quite a bit of time in my crafting room because hubby's work hours have been all over the place this week, so twice this week, I've had the entire night to myself! That meant hiding in my craft room, putting my DVR'd shows on that I can't watch while he's home, and going to town on projects and reorganizing my room! I'm slowly building up my organizational stuff so I'm getting the room almost to a place where I'm happy with it!

I've also gotten quite a few cards and layouts done!

I made three Halloween cards so far (still a few more to go)!

edit: i forgot to put what cart I used! The pumpkins are from "Stretch Your Imagination".

edit: I used "Happy Hauntings" for the ghost and the Happy Halloween phrase.

I've also gotten three layouts done!

This one is a very simple/plain layout that I did with photos from a family vacation last summer. It was the last time my grandmother was able to come visit me before she passed away in October, so I didn't want to do a lot of journaling or embellishing on this one on purpose.

This one ("Family Fun") is all about my niece's first time at the ocean last July (2009) right after she turned 1!

edit: I used "Life is a Beach" for the Family Fun cut out.

And my favorite layout that I've completed in a while is this one

edit: I used "Create a Critter" for the monkey, giraffe, and "So Fun" phrase.

On my niece's 1st birthday last summer, while my family was visiting from PA, we took her to the Zoo for the first time! I think that's where her love of animals began!!!

I know it's not a lot compared to what some scrappers could accomplish in the time that I've had to be working on these, but I am quite proud of everything that I've done so far this week!! I also hope to clean up my room a little and maybe post a video to show you all where I hide out! :-)

Hope you're all doing well and having a creative and productive week!!!!

Catch up!

Sorry, y'all! It's been almost 2 weeks since my last post. We have been busy running around getting ready for our trip to PA for my Mom's wedding and then were gone for a few days last weekend for the celebrations. BUT, I am BACK! Time to catch up!

I have been able to spend a few days crafting this week, but unfortunately will not be able to post the project that I'm working on! BOOO! I know. :-) I'm working on some things for a surprise thing for a person in my life that may find this blog and then it'll be ruined, SO I'll share those at a later time. I know, I'm being vague but that's what I have to do with this project!

In the midst of working on this project, I have also done some more little mini shopping trips! I've found some great deals and have gotten quite a bit of stuff that I needed for planned projects! I have been working on some videos of them, but the videos are of hauls from a few days ago, so we'll see. If I DO post them, it'll be two different videos of three hauls, if that makes sense!

DH is at the Jacksonville Jaguars football game today (vs. the Denver Broncos), so I've actually had some real time to clean up my scrap room and to work on my videos and blog, so hopefully you'll see some more stuff today!

Thanks for stopping by and following me, even though I still really stink at updating on a regular basis. :-)